Story Land - A collection of stories on the 'net from some fine tale-spinner. Includes some early stuff from the End of Destiny author.
The Bilge Pumps - A pirate music group for that lil' buccaneer in all of us.
Ibidis Mortem Productions - Wanna know why the book is updated so infrequently? Check out all the things the author's doing at his company site.
www.stunt-show.com - Home of the Dragon Attack Stunt Show and the Bandit Attack Stunt Show.
SteelDrumMallets.com - Hand-crafted aluminum steel drum mallets.
Strange Garden - A page of gothic fantasy artwork and stories created by Rohmer.
Street Corner Talking - A collection of poetry written by many of the people End of Destiny characters have a resemblance to.
The 7th Realm - Site with great artwork and photography by Sakura and friends.